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Nemertes Research Finds Shoretel Has Lowest First-year Ip Telephony Cost Among Seven Leading Vendors


Nemertes also considered the size and complexity of the roll-out in the report. For installations greater than 350 endpoints, ShoreTel's first-year overall costs are the lowest at $411 per endpoint, compared to a median of $706 across all vendors. The report also found ShoreTel systems require lower staffing levels than other vendors.

"IT leaders must develop solid TCO models to secure funding for their projects. But uncovering real-world costs, particularly for the operational side, is challenging, if not impossible, until they actually roll out the technology," says Robin Gareiss, president and founder at Nemertes Research. "In this research, IT professionals shared their actual costs for IP telephony and UC for seven vendors. ShoreTel came out the most affordable in first-year costs when we evaluated all companies, all sizes, as well as those with more than 350 end units, earning the vendor a place on the short list for organizations evaluating the technology."

The Nemertes report titled "Minimizing Costs, Maximizing Value of IP Telephony" is available for download at:http://media.shoretel.com/documents/Nemertes-True-Costs-of-Business-Phones.pdf

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